

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture was first used in China over 3,000 years ago and is still as effective today.  It involves the gentle insertion of almost hair fine needles at very specific points on the body. This process stimulates the movement of energy within the body; allowing natural healing to take place. Particular points are selected based on known effects and clinical experience.

Acupuncture is safe for almost everybody, however stimulation of some points can cause undesirable effects and may in some cases irritate a condition. If you’re pregnant please let your therapist know, acupuncture should be avoided in the first trimester and some specific points should also be avoided.

How the treatment of pain works with acupuncture: Western theory

The Western medical view of how acupuncture works is that the insertion of needles at particular pain points releases endorphins and opioids (the body’s own natural painkillers) and possibly boosts the immune system. Additionally neurotransmitters and neurohormones are released in the brain. Studies show that glucose and other bloodstream chemicals are increased after acupuncture treatment.

Furthermore the National Institutes of Health’s National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, says there is also evidence that stimulating acupuncture points allows electromagnetic signals to be relayed at a greater rate than in normal conditions. This might increase the flow of healing or of pain-killing natural chemicals to injured areas.

With the pain relieved, patients have a greater sense of general well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally. The effect of this is that they heal faster.

Acupuncture can be used for: